Mattiwilda Dobbs: Trailblazing Opera Star

In this month of celebrating black history let us take note of the recent passing of a significant historical figure, African American classical singer Mattiwilda Dobbs, who died in December at 90 years of age. A soprano, Ms. Dobbs was the first African American to sing a leading role at La Scala in Italy in … [Read more…]

Naming Racism

The Debate between Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders last Thursday was interesting in several ways. For me the most remarkable occurrence was the frank discussion of structural racism by both candidates. They used the terms “institutional” and “systemic.” It appears that Hilary Clinton is pushing hard to retain her problematic hold on black voters for … [Read more…]

Some Truths by Charles Blow

Sometimes we just have to pass the word. Below I share the last two paragraphs of the article by Charles Blow in the NY Times today. The article is entitled, “White America’s ‘Broken Heart’.” “America has a gauzy, romanticized version of its history that is largely fiction. According to that mythology, America rose to greatness … [Read more…]

Environmental Racism in Flint

Under Michigan’s Emergency Manager Law, the state can take over financially struggling cities by handing complete authority to an appointed “Emergency Manager.” This happened to Flint in 2011. These emergency managers assume charge of all aspects of local government. In 2014 they changed Flint’s water source to save an estimated $5 million per year. In switching … [Read more…]

Joe Biden: Compromise and Clarence Thomas

A few weeks ago Vice-President Joe Biden decided not to enter the presidential nomination race. At his press conference, he threw a zinger–presumably at Hillary Clinton–about partisanship, as if the failure to collaborate across party lines is the fault of Hillary or other Democrats. That is strange considering how often Republican leaders in Congress expressed … [Read more…]